How to Do  Painting  On The Wall

How to Do  Painting  On The Wall

You can do the Painting Yourself, If you will follow our steps

Step 1

To paint on the wall, most important thing is to learn Drawing.

If you know how to draw,  then color filling will be easy for you

Step 2

We need a wall whose surface is good and the color is white or any light shade.

You can use Pencil or chalk for drawing, but i recommend you just Chalk, because it is easy to erase the drawing. 

Medium Brush Stroke

Step 3

Acrylic color or Fabric colors are the best for painting on the wall.

You can easily use such color with water

Medium Brush Stroke

Step 4

After the Drawing is done, First you have to fill the color in the background.

Once the background is colored, you can fill color the main character or Figure.

Step 5

Now you have to see that where are spots, you will have to color twice. this gives a good finish to the painting.

Medium Brush Stroke

Step 6

When all the color is filled everywhere, after drying, you can outline it with black or whatever you like. 

Medium Brush Stroke

Don't get discouraged if you're having trouble, it seems like it at first. if you keep PRACTISING, it will all become easy for you.

To know more about LEARNING PAINTING you can visit our YouTube Channel.

To know more about LEARNING PAINTING you can visit our YouTube Channel.


